Family Readiness

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1st Marine Corps District
Marine Corps Recruiting Command

Become a part of something that reaches far beyond the individual. Marine Corps Family Team Building (MCFTB) at 1st Marine Corps District focuses on the military family lifestyle and its unique challenges.

Our programs and services encompass a variety of educational and volunteer opportunities that foster personal growth and community involvement.

You can meet new people, gain new skills, and become a part of something unique. We have endless possibilities to get you involved in the community whether you are new to the Marine Corps or a seasoned spouse.

If you would like more information on upcoming events or would like to know more about becoming a volunteer, contact a member of your Family Readiness Team.

Deployment Readiness Coordinator

Hortencia Burris


LT Benjamin Shear

Single Marine Program Representative

Corporal Anthony Nichols


1st Marine Corps District is a blend of Marines, Sailors and civilian employees. Each one is an essential element in the success of our mission, which is to replenish the ranks of the Corps with new generations of highly qualified men and women.

Due to the distributed nature of recruiting units, the Recruiting Station is the best positioned level of command to execute the Family Readiness Program. The District will focus on training and resourcing the Recruiting Stations and on internal Family Readiness Program management. The Marines on this special duty assignment are NCOs and above; they must develop their own resilience through the experience of finding success within the independent nature of recruiting. Recruiting is a dynamic 3-year tour that requires constant focus, attention and adaptability. It is time and resource consuming and families who understand the commitment and support their Marines’ mission accomplishment will complete this tour successfully. Time off to spend with families is earned and should be impactful without sacrificing unit success. Decentralize Family Readiness Program Execution to the Recruiting Substations, supervised by the Recruiting Stations and supported by District.

These individuals are paramount to the success of the Family Readiness program and your tour with 1st Marine Corps District. All Recruiting Station Commanders are expected to be actively engaged in the Family Readiness Program. Develop and execute a plan for onboarding Marines and their Families, beginning at BRC and following through to RS PAR. Focus direction and support to RSSs to execute Family Readiness Programs in order to build community at the local level. Maximize the use of available funds for the benefit of Marines and their families. Provide via all available means the essential points of contact for family support systems, capabilities in each RS area of operations and real-time information.

My desired end state is that RSs execute their Family Readiness requirements, including access to local resources, via their substations to welcome and support their families without negatively affecting mission success. Families clearly and completely understand the requirements and rigors of the assignment; effective channels of communication are maximized in both directions.

All Marines are encouraged to utilize the Deployment Readiness Coordinator, RS Uniformed Readiness Coordinators, and their chain of command to address any family readiness issues or concerns. The District Deployment Readiness Coordinator is Ms. Hortencia Burris at 516-228-3699. We are here to support you and your family while you complete the mission.

Marines take care of one another and taking care of Marines also means taking care of their families. Through effective leadership and the utilization of the variety of assets provided by our Family Readiness Program, we will ensure you and your family feel supported and cared for.