Recruiting Station Pittsburgh
Sergeant Major Jose E. Cabrera

Sergeant Major Jose Cabrera was born May 14, 1984 in Managua, Nicaragua.  He enlisted in the Marine Corps out of Miami, FL in February of 2004 and attended recruit training at MCRD Parris Island, SC.  Upon completion of recruit training, Private Cabrera attended Marine Combat Training at Camp Geiger, NC; and subsequently Aviation Life Support Systems Common Core A and C School, at Naval Air Station Pensacola, FL.  Private Cabrera was promoted to the rank of Private First Class on 1 August 2004. 

Upon completion of his entry level training, he was granted the MOS 6048, designating him as an Aviation Life Support Systems (ALSS) Technician.  Private First Class Cabrera reported to Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron (HMM) 262, Marine Aircraft Group (MAG) 36, 1st Marine Aircraft Wing (MAW), MCAS Futenma, Okinawa, Japan in September of 2004 to serve as aviation life support systems technician.  He was meritoriously promoted to Lance Corporal on March 2nd 2005. Lance Corporal Cabrera would go on to serve on two humanitarian aid missions and the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU).   

In August of 2006, Lance Corporal Cabrera was transferred to Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron (MALS) 39, MAG 39, 3d MAW, Camp Pendleton, CA., for service as ALSS Satellite Production Control and Collateral Duty Quality Assurance Representative.  He was promoted to Corporal on November of 2006.  Corporal Cabrera was temporarily assigned to Marine Light Attack Helicopter (HMLA) 169 to serve as noncommissioned officer in charge (NCOIC) in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom from October 2007 to May of 2008.  During this deployment, he was meritoriously promoted to Sergeant on 2 November 2007.

Upon return from OIF in May of 2008, Sergeant Cabrera returned to MALS-39 for service as ALSS non-commissioned officer in charge (NCOIC).  In May of 2009, he was temporarily assigned to HMLA-267 to serve as collateral duty inspector (CDI) and subsequently chosen to represent the light attack helicopter detachment aboard the 31st MEU with HMM-265 (REIN) in Okinawa, Japan. 

Upon return from the 31st MEU in December of 2009, Sergeant Cabrera returned to MALS-39 to serve as ALSS NCOIC.  In the summer of 2010, Sergeant Cabrera attended Sergeants' Resident PME where he graduated as a distinguished honor graduate.  In May of 2011, he was promoted to Staff Sergeant. 

Staff Sergeant Cabrera reported to Basic Recruiters' School in July of 2011 and subsequently reported to 1st Marine Recruiting District, Recruiting Station Albany, Recruiting Substation Binghamton for service as production recruiter and chosen as SNCOIC in February of 2012.  Staff Sergeant Cabrera was nominated as Recruiting Station Albany's SNCOIC of the Year for fiscal year 2013.  Staff Sergeant Cabrera was meritoriously promoted to Gunnery Sergeant on 2 January 2014. 

In September of 2014, Gunnery Sergeant Cabrera reported to Marine Heavy Helicopter (HMH) 466, MAG 16, 3d MAW where he served as Squadron First Sergeant, Flight Equipment Chief and Command Equal Opportunity Representative.  In November of 2015, he deployed with HMH-466 in support of Unit Deployment Program (UDP) 16.1 to Okinawa, Japan.  After a successful deployment, he continued to serve with HMH-466 until he was selected to the rank of First Sergeant.

On 1 February 2017, Gunnery Sergeant Cabrera was frocked to First Sergeant, and executed orders to the School of Infantry West, Infantry Training Battalion, for service as the Company First Sergeant to Company A and Company D. 

On 22 February 2019, First Sergeant Cabrera executed orders to 5th Battalion, 11th Marines for service as the Battery T and Headquarters Battery First Sergeant, as well as Battalion Sergeant Major.  He was selected for promotion to Sergeant Major in November of 2021.     

In May of 2022, First Sergeant Cabrera was frocked to Sergeant Major and executed orders to his current duty station at Recruiting Station Pittsburgh, 1st Marine Corps District, to serve as the Recruiting Station Sergeant Major.

Sergeant Major Cabrera's personal awards include the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (with two gold stars in lieu of third award), Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (with gold star in lieu of second award), Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, recruiting service ribbon and combat instructor ribbon.