Master Gunnery Sergeant Kelly Rose Brodmerkel was born in Honesdale, Pennsylvania and is a native of Highland Lake, New York. In August 2003, Master Gunnery Sergeant Brodmerkel enlisted in the Air Force and attended recruit training at Lackland AFB, Texas. Upon graduation she reported to Shepard AFB, Texas to attend Technical Training, with MOS 2A511C, Aerospace Maintenance on the C-5 Galaxy. In February 2004, Master Gunnery Sergeant Brodmerkel received orders to Dover AFB, Delaware. In April 2005, Master Gunnery Sergeant Brodmerkel enlisted in the Marine Corps and attended recruit training at MCRD Parris Island, South Carolina. Upon graduation she attended Marine Combat Training at Camp Geiger, North Carolina.
After completing Marine Combat Training, Master Gunnery Sergeant Brodmerkel reported to Lackland AFB, Texas to attend Military Police / Corrections Specialist School, with MOS 5831 Corrections Specialist. During her time there, she aided in the Hurricane Katrine disaster relief on Kelly AFB, Texas helping to build shelters, and provide food, water, and other necessities to survivors. After graduating in October 2005, she reported to Camp Lejeune, North Carolina and reported to HQ&SPT BN to assume duties as a Brig Corrections Specialist. In 2006, she joined a community outreach program headed by the Jacksonville, North Carolina, library. She was promoted to the rank of Corporal in 2007. During her time with HQ&SPT BN, she participated in numerous training exercises at Marine Combat Training at Camp Geiger, North Carolina. In September 2007, Master Gunnery Sergeant Brodmerkel was hand selected for orders to Marine Corps Absentee Collection Unit (M.C.A.C.U), Arlington, VA. Upon execution of her orders she became one of two female Marines in the Nation serving in that position. She was promoted to the rank of Sergeant in 2009. During her time there, she was recognized for assisting the M.C.A.C.U Center PSL Branch to exceed FY objective reduction mission.
In April 2011, Master Gunnery Sergeant Brodmerkel reported to Recruiters School in San Diego, California. She graduated in June 2011 and received orders to Recruiting Station Albany, New York to assume duties as a canvassing recruiter in Westchester, New York. In November of 2011, Recruiting Sub-Station Westchester was recognized as RSS of the year. In February 2013, she was meritoriously promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant. Master Gunnery Sergeant Brodmerkel assumed the duties of Staff Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge (SNCOIC) of Recruiting Sub-Station Westchester, New York.
In August 2014, Master Gunnery Sergeant Brodmerkel received orders to Recruiting Sub-Station Saratoga Springs, New York and assumed the duties of SNCOIC. In 2016, Master Gunnery Sergeant Brodmerkel was accepted as a Career Recruiter and attended the Career Recruiter Course in March 2016. Upon completion, Master Gunnery Sergeant Brodmerkel reported back to Recruiting Sub-Station Saratoga Springs, New York to assume her duties as the SNCOIC. In November 2016, Recruiting Sub-Station Saratoga Springs, New York was recognized as RSS of the year. Master Gunnery Sergeant Brodmerkel was promoted to the rank of Gunnery Sergeant in February 2017. In February 2017, Master Gunnery Sergeant Brodmerkel received orders to Officer Selection Station (OSS), Albany, New York as the Officer Selection Assistant (OSA). In August 2017, Master Gunnery Sergeant Brodmerkel received orders to the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS), Albany, New York as the Lead MEPS Liaison. In 2018, she was recognized as Eastern Recruiting Region MEPS of the year.
In May 2019, Master Gunnery Sergeant Brodmerkel received orders to Recruiting Station Baltimore, Maryland to assume the duties as an OSA for OSS College Park, Maryland. During her time there, OSS College Park, Maryland was recognized as the OSS of the year by the Eastern Recruiting Region. In May 2020 Master Gunnery Sergeant Brodmerkel received orders to Recruiting Station Baltimore, Maryland, Headquarters to assume the duties as the Assistant Recruiter Instructor for Recruiting Station Baltimore, Maryland.
In May 2021, Master Gunnery Sergeant Brodmerkel received orders to 1st Marine Corps District, Garden City, New York to assume the duties as the Assistant Operations Chief for 1MCD. Master Gunnery Sergeant Brodmerkel was promoted to the rank of Master Sergeant in August 2021. In May 2022, Master Gunnery Sergeant Brodmerkel received orders within 1st Marine Corps District to assume the duties in the Assistant for Officer Procurement (AOP) shop, as the Assistant for Officer Procurement Chief and Trainer for 1MCD. In August 2023, the AOP shop was recognized as FY22 AOP shop of the year for Marine Corps Recruiting Command. During her time there, she also served as 1st Marine Corps Districts Deployment Readiness coordinator, Equal Opportunity Representative, Uniformed Readiness Coordinator, and Command Physical Training Representative.
In March 2024, Master Gunnery Sergeant Brodmerkel received orders to Recruiting Station Albany, New York to assume the duties as Recruiting Instructor for Recruiting Station Albany, New York. Upon execution of her orders, she became one of two female Marines in the Nation serving in this position. Master Gunnery Sergeant Brodmerkel was selected for the rank of Master Gunnery Sergeant in November 2024.
Master Gunnery Sergeant Brodmerkel personal awards include the Meritorious Service Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal with 2 gold stars, Navy and Marine Corps Achievement medal with 2 gold stars, Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal with 1 silver star, and Recruiting Ribbon with 3 bronze stars.